Ease OUT OF IT! Taming our Inner Critic

Everyone has an inner critic

a negative voice inside that can hinder our progress and dampen our confidence. This inner critic, often referred to as the "Gremlin," was typically created to protect us from harm or embarrassment but can become a persistent source of self-doubt and negativity if unchecked.

This post explores the concept of the inner critic and introduces the E.A.S.E. process, a technique designed to manage and transform this Gremlin into a supportive ally.

What is the Inner Critic?

The inner critic, or Gremlin, is the voice inside your head that tells you you're not good enough, that you'll fail, or that you're unworthy. It often stems from past experiences and is a conditioned response to certain triggers. While its original purpose was to protect you from harm or embarrassment, it can become a generalized, habitual response that inhibits growth and causes unnecessary stress.

Fumble trying to “protect” you from your full potential.

The E.A.S.E. Process

Expose, Accept, Soothe, and Empower—is a structured approach to managing and transforming your inner critic. This technique helps you recognize the Gremlin's presence, understand its purpose, and redirect its energy towards positive outcomes.

Phase 1: Expose

  1. Identify the Gremlin Message and Name It:

  • Educate yourself about Gremlins and identify the specific negative messages your inner critic is conveying.

  • Give your Gremlin a name (but avoid naming it after someone you know) for example, Fumble, Pester, Mope or Grumble.

2. Find the Gremlin’s Purpose:

  • Reflect on when and why this Gremlin might have been created. Understanding its origin helps in addressing its influence.

  • For example, the “I-don’t-want-to-be-embarrassed-Fumble” might have been created after a past embarrassing moment to protect you from future embarrassments.

Phase 2: Accept

  1. Acknowledge and Validate the Gremlin’s Presence:

    • Ask yourself why the Gremlin is here today and what purpose it is trying to serve by holding you back.

    • Reflect on what might have triggered the Gremlin and how it is trying to protect you.

  2. Give the Gremlin a New Job:

    • Since its current role is not helpful, think about how you could use the Gremlin’s energy in a more positive way.

    • Assign a new, constructive job to the Gremlin that aligns with your goals.

Phase 3: Soothe

  1. Center Yourself:

    • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Center yourself and prepare to address your Gremlin calmly.

    • Silently repeat positive affirmations to yourself, acknowledging and embracing the Gremlin.

  2. Embrace and Thank the Gremlin:

    • Silently say to your Gremlin: “I thank you, honor you, and embrace you. And you are not needed to hold me back from this goal. I can handle it from here.”

Phase 4: Empower

  1. Let Go of the Gremlin’s Negative Hold:

    • Silently affirm: “Since I no longer need you to protect me from [current purpose], I would like you to use your energy to help me [new, positive job].”

    • Imagine the Gremlin responding positively, ready to support you in your new direction.

  2. Count Yourself Out:

    • Gently bring yourself back to the present moment by counting from 1 to 5.

    • Reflect on how you feel about the Gremlin now. If there is resistance, ask yourself what you might need to fully embrace this new energy.

  3. Affirm and Demonstrate:

    • Affirm the new reality and complete the affirmation: “As of today, [state new message].”

    • Demonstrate your commitment by stepping over an imaginary line into your new reality. Reflect on what you have left behind and what you are now embracing.

Take Action TODAY!

The E.A.S.E. process provides a structured approach to transforming your inner critic from a hindrance into a supportive ally. By exposing, accepting, soothing, and empowering your Gremlin, you can reclaim control over your thoughts and actions, paving the way for personal and professional growth. Remember, it's about turning your inner critic into a source of strength and motivation.

Take a step towards transforming your inner critic by practicing the E.A.S.E. process today:

  • Expose: Identify and name your Gremlin.

  • Accept: Acknowledge its presence and understand its purpose.

  • Soothe: Practice self-compassion and thank your Gremlin for its efforts.

  • Empower: Assign your Gremlin a new, positive role and affirm your new reality.

By trying this process today, you can start your journey towards a more empowered and confident self. Each small step you take leads to greater personal and professional growth. Embrace the change and transform your inner critic into a supportive ally.


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