The Topic No One Discusses at the Dinner Party

Discover the transformative power of living each day fully by envisioning and shaping your legacy.

Hey there!

Let’s talk about death—oh, so morbid, I know... But before you skip this, know that contemplating mortality can bring clarity and purpose to our lives.

The Story (Skip if You Don’t Want to Get Personal)

The last month has been a whirlwind of deep reflection for me. I've been consumed by thoughts of various forms of death—what if my wife, Enkhi, had complications during delivery? What if our baby wasn’t healthy? What if I got hit by a car during my morning runs? These reflections sparked a spectrum of emotions from fear to peace, ultimately leading me to a profound realization.

These thoughts heightened my awareness of how I interact with the world and the impact I have on those around me. Am I the prophet, the teacher, or the compassionate listener? This contemplation led me to write my own obituary, bringing my death into the present to create space for objectivity and deliberate choices in my daily interactions.

Continue Here If You Did’t Want to Get Personal

Begin each day with the end in sight, and you'll discover the path to a life lived fully and meaningfully. - Coach Carlos

Living with the end in mind offers clarity, purpose, and direction, helping you prioritize what's truly important for a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Living with Purpose

Memento Mori: The ancient Stoics practiced this as a reminder that we must all die one day. This concept isn't about morbidity; it's a powerful tool to embrace our mortality, urging us to live more intensely and focus on the present.

Momento Mori Medallion from The Daily Stoic

Practical Steps to Embrace the Present

  • Focus on the Present: Make each moment count.

  • Prioritize What Matters: Keep your ultimate values in sharp focus.

  • Live Authentically: Ensure your daily actions reflect your deepest values.

  • Appreciate Every Moment: Cultivate gratitude and mindfulness to fully appreciate life.

Write Your Obituary: A Reflective Exercise

Consider what you would like your obituary to say. This exercise is not about dwelling on death but about actively shaping your life narrative.

  • Reflect on Your Legacy: What impact do you hope to leave?

  • Identify Your Values: What principles do you want to be remembered for?

  • Evaluate Your Actions: Are your current actions carving a path toward the legacy you envision?

I’ve felt so many different emotions writing these, from fear of calling death to present to satisfaction in my way of life. Sharing this with you, is me living fully aligned with myself.

Critical Questions to Guide You

  • If you continue living as you are now, will your obituary reflect your true aspirations?

  • Are you prioritizing what genuinely matters to you?

  • Are you living each day as if it's uniquely yours, with no guarantees of tomorrow?

Take Action Today

  • Seize Opportunities and Pursue Passions: Live each day as if it's your last, engaging in activities that bring you joy.

  • Cherish Relationships: Spend quality time with those who matter most.

  • Practice Gratitude: Appreciate the little things and celebrate daily victories.

  • Reflect on Your Legacy: Consider what you want your life to represent and align your actions with your values and long-term goals.

  • Live Fully: Approach each day with intention, gratitude, and joy.

💬 I'd love to hear from you: What would you like your obituary to say? Are you living in alignment with that vision?

📌 For more insights on living purposefully:

  • Follow me @linkedin, Carlos Patino

  • Share this Newsletter with your network ♻

Keep Going, Keep Growing,

Your coach and friend,



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