There's $2,329 in value inside this blog

A chance that could actually change your life

Hey there!

Writing this Newsletter has been a challenge for me over the past month! Overwhelm is real! Since April 2nd, I’ve written 22 newsletters discussing empowerment, ownership, leadership, and responsibility—all to show you that you have The Power of Choice.

Now, here’s your chance to put that into practice. I’m seeking a few people for a free coaching opportunity. Read the whole newsletter to learn more!

P.S. I'm formatting this newsletter as a sales pitch without selling anything.

Why? Because I promised value every single newsletter, and today you’ll learn the structure of a sales pitch. I’m including the titles of each section for transparency.

If you’re not interested in the free coaching package (though I can't imagine why!), here’s a funny picture of Poki. Happy Tuesday!

Setting the Stage

I've had the honor of working with inspiring individuals from all walks of the professional world—from ambitious side hustlers aiming to become full-time solo entrepreneurs to seasoned CEOs in the tech industry looking to expand their influence and elevate their brands.

I've been blessed with the trust of all those who have supported my coaching business since I made it my career.

Recently, during his offboarding session, my friend and coachee, Alberto, shared that the best thing I can do is keep developing myself and my programs. With him, we took a transformative trip to Scotland, worked together for 12 sessions, and over six months, he achieved the promotion he worked to get, received an offer to run his own company, and, most importantly, developed the discipline to make conscious choices and uncover his true path. Remarkably, he turned down the investment offer, accepted the promotion, and later moved back to Spain with a new, different offer. Now, he's ready to take Europe by storm in his new role, aligned with the person he chose to become.

Scotland Trip 2023 Alberto and Carlos exploring the inner-self

Working with me isn't linear. Clients choose the path; they are in the driver’s seat while I support them with a proven framework, objectivity, honesty, non-judgment, and lots of passion and energy.

How Will You Feel During & After The Coaching Sessions?

  • You will feel empowered about your ability to tackle any challenges in your future.

  • You will gain clarity in your career path, understanding your true purpose and the steps to take next.

  • You will trust that you are on the right path, confidently pursuing your goals and dreams.

  • You will spend less time feeling sorry for yourself and frustrated, say hello to consistency and ownership.

  • You will embrace a mindset of empowerment, courage, and positivity.

  • You will live authentically, being unapologetically you and creating a life that truly reflects who you are and what you value.

 The Pitch

I'm offering a life-changing package: six free coaching sessions to a few motivated individuals who are ready to transform their lives. Spaces will be defined based on the number of entries and personal stories shared. This opportunity is designed to empower you and help you create the life you want and deserve. Imagine the clarity and confidence you’ll gain as we work together to achieve your goals.

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Six personalized coaching sessions tailored to your unique needs.

  • A supportive, structured framework to guide you towards your goals.

  • Honest feedback and actionable insights to help you grow.

In exchange, I’d love to:

  • Pick your brain to better understand your biggest challenges.

  • Record some materials for marketing purposes (with your permission).

  • Get your true opinion of the program and see your amazing results.

No strings attached—just pure value!

Social Proof

We tested this method in April, and here’s what Davajaav had to say about it:


This program has an application process because we're looking for the right candidates—those who:

  • Say "I would, but..." — Always making excuses.

  • Say "I could, but..." — Understanding their potential but not committed to action.

  • Say "I should, but..." — Feeling obligated to pursue goals they lack genuine desire or commitment to achieve.

This program will move you from all the “couldda, woudda, shouldda’s” to “I want,” “I will,” and “I do’s,” empowering you to take action, trust the process, and become truly authentic, fearless, and confident in yourself.

Call to Action

Share this newsletter with your family and friends, coworkers, and neighbors—anyone who might benefit from the thoughts described above. If that’s you, click this link now! Fill out the form and be on the lookout for my personal email.

You’ll receive:

  • 6 coaching sessions following my personal framework for achievement (valued at $1,600)

  • 1 Energy Leadership Index Assessment and a 1.5-hour debrief (valued at $380)

  • The “Unlock Procrastination” booklet and skill session video (valued at $69)

  • Plus, a catch-up session 6-8 weeks after we finalize the package (valued at $280)

Click Here and Learn the Why, Who, & How to get these $2,329 in coaching services for free.


Don’t miss this opportunity to shake things up, start living more intentionally, and regain ownership of your present.

International Coaching Federation

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Keep Going, Keep Growing,

Your Coach and Friend,



Your weekly reflection for awareness, empowerment and freedom


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