Your weekly reflection for awareness, empowerment and freedom

Why is it so hard to follow our own advice and so easy to help others with it?

Hey there!

Ever found yourself struggling to take your own advice, despite being an expert in your field? It’s like you can effortlessly guide others, but when it comes to your own life, everything seems to get tangled up in emotions and resistance. Let’s explore why this happens and how to overcome it.

🧠 On My Mind:

I’m feeling thankful and blessed to have connected with so many of you through Instagram and this newsletter! Thank you to everyone who shared Tuesday’s newsletter and Instagram post, to those who applied, and to everyone who took the time to read the weekly emails. I strive to give you as much value as possible while respecting your time and interests. Let’s continue to grow together!

💭 A Memory Revisited:

After six months of coaching training, I told my wife, Enkhi, “This is it, this is my calling!” She had seen me ride a roller coaster of emotions while directing the Franchise System CENTURY 21 in Mongolia and agreed to support my new venture. With just one post, eight people reached out, interested in working with me. Without my certifications but with full spiritual alignment, I resigned from my full-time job and went all in on my dreams. The initial success was promising, but life has a way of testing our value system, commitment, and grit. Soon, things slowed down, and I found myself overwhelmed by thoughts of hopelessness and frustration, the hallmark emotions of Level 1 and Level 2 energy.

🔍 The Why:

Your circle of influence starts with your 1st-degree connections—those who trust you because they’ve observed your journey. It made sense that the moment I shared my life pivot, a small percentage connected with me for coaching. But soon, the well of 1st-degree connections dried up, and I faced the challenge of sustaining my business.

I tried numerous approaches, I’ll list a few:

  • Cold DM-ing LinkedIn and Instagram contacts

  • Starting content creation on Instagram and LinkedIn

  • Asking for referrals

  • Starting a newsletter

  • Hundreds of discovery calls

  • Hiring a sales coach and a lead generation service

  • Sending thousands of cold emails

  • Joining coaching platforms

Despite these efforts, results were marginal at best. Part of the issue was my lack of full investment in these activities, doing them because I thought I had to, rather than coming from a place of wanting to serve people.

Reconnecting with myself through parenting, rekindling the trust that Enkhi has in me, and using my love for my newly formed family helped me change my narrative from levels 1 and 2 to levels 4 and 5. I embraced the COR.E Energy Coaching™ process on myself, focusing on aligning inner purpose and passion with outer goals, this is the foundation of my coaching framework and expertise.

Understanding the 7 Levels of Energy

This image represents the 7 Levels of Energy, a concept from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). It illustrates how different levels of energy affect our thoughts, emotions, and actions. This interpretation is based on Bruce D Schneider's work in Energy Leadership.

Here’s a summary of the 7 levels of energy and how I experienced each one in connection to “my situation”:

  • Level 1: Thoughts of hopelessness led to emotions of self-pity, resulting in inaction.

  • Level 2: Thoughts of resentment and frustration at the lack of results caused emotions of self-criticism and stress, leading to counterproductive actions.

  • Level 3: Thoughts of responsibility and anxiety led to feelings of pressure, resulting in busy work without strategic purpose.

  • Level 4: Thoughts of love and support from my wife inspired feelings of dedication and new actions, allowing me to identify and face my fears.

  • Level 5: Thoughts of viewing challenges as opportunities created emotions of optimism, resulting in new opportunities to connect with a wider audience, like the free coaching opportunity.

  • Level 6: The thought that “there is no failure, only feedback” fostered emotions of peace, joy, and wisdom, leading to adaptability and embracing new experiences.

  • Level 7: Thoughts of being in flow with life, understanding there’s a reason behind everything, reignited emotions of passion, creativity, and a deep sense of fulfillment.

Note that we all spend time bouncing between levels, depending on our awareness of the filters we experience life through. When you work with me, you build the muscle of awareness so you can consciously decide how you engage with life rather than react to life.

🕰️ When to Take Notice:

Though I help clients identify their narrative filters, I struggled to detach from my own. To build the muscle of consciousness, I invite you to practice reflecting on your day, identifying how you presented yourself, and considering alternative ways of thinking. Use the example of the 7 Levels of Energy to come up with alternative perspectives to “your experience.”

🪞 Coaching: Reflecting Your True Self

Coaches work with coaches to avoid becoming too focused on their own narratives and to practice what they preach, to walk the talk. 

🏆 Transformative Moments:

Transformation happens when you take action. Join me for six weeks to develop this muscle, commit to reflecting and journaling daily, and explore your own narratives. Apply here.

Keep Going, Keep Growing, 

Your friend and coach,



I’m doing my best to explain a lot in less than a thousand words.

If you want to read more about this framework, click here.

Learn to awaken extraordinary potential in others and yourself with The 7 Level Framework for Mastery in Life and Business.


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