Um... you should probably open this, you know?

Transform your mindset and embrace daily opportunities for growth. Let's make July your month of action and achievement!

Hi there!

Before we get started, let’s do a small exercise. Fill in the blank:

Life isn’t fair because__________________________.

Now, think: How far can I go in life with these thoughts?

Next, ask yourself: How satisfied can I be with life if I dwell on why life isn’t fair?

Last question: How much power do I have over my results (finances, career, relationships), with this type of thinking?

🧠 Change Your Chip: Embrace Daily Choices

What if every day we wake up with a choice?

The choice to try something new—like a different coffee shop or a new route to work. Have lunch with someone different. Explore job opportunities on LinkedIn. Stop hanging out with friends who aren't aligned with the person you want to become.

A few weeks ago, my friend Fred shared his “MUST change” moment that came when he was 28 years old and weighing 250 pounds. He shared that he wanted to be healthier and chose to change his lifestyle. He started by telling his friend:

“I’ve decided to stop hanging out during the weekends because I want to improve my health. I want to start waking up early to train rather than be hungover and in bed all morning.”

His friends laughed and replied laughing, “See you next week!”

But he didn’t show up because he went for his first 30-minute bike ride instead. The next weekend, he went for another ride and added an extra mile.

I share this because it’s all a choice. It’s all about our mindset, and the choices we decide to make.

🎯 Daily Opportunities for Change

Every day we have opportunities to change what we do, who we are, and what we accept in our lives. EVERY SINGLE DAY! Yet, we keep doing the same things every day without thinking we just go on repeat.

Most of us think we see life as it is, yet we actually see the world as we are.

For example, if you feel unappreciated at work, you might notice only the negative feedback and ignore the positive.

👓 Challenge Your Reality: July Edition

Here’s my challenge to you: Challenge your thinking, challenge your reality. Choose one of these challenges for July, and show yourself that you can do it!

💰 Financial:

Make an extra $500 before the month ends. Whether it's a side gig, selling unused items, or offering a service, get creative and see what you can achieve.

👩‍⚕️ Career:

Gain control over your happiness at work. Identify what makes you happy and what doesn't. Then, take steps to increase the positives and reduce the negatives.

👫 Relationships:

Improve relationships (with yourself or others). Reach out to a friend or family member you haven't spoken to in a while, or work on self-care routines to strengthen your relationship with yourself.

📚 Self-Development:

Learn one new thing and APPLY it before the end of the month. Whether it's a new skill, a language, or a hobby, commit to learning and using it.

🚴 Health:

Focus on improving your health. Start small—commit to 30 minutes of exercise daily. Whether it's a walk, a run, or a workout, make it a daily habit.

💭 Reflect and Act

Where do you want to go in life? And more importantly, what changes do you deserve to make to create that reality?

You’ve got it! I believe in you.

Hit ‘Reply’ if you’d like my support in choosing an action to “Prove it to yourself.” 📨 

♻️ Sharing is Caring

Last week, I shared about a free coaching opportunity. This weekend is the deadline to apply, if you know someone who could benefit from it, please share this page:

You can also Forward this newsletter to someone who’d benefit from Challenging their Reality: July Edition

Keep Going, Keep Growing.

Your Coach and Friend,



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