How to Stay on Top When We’re There
Carlos Patino Carlos Patino

How to Stay on Top When We’re There

Explore the complex thoughts surrounding personal success and learn how to stay on top when everything is going right. Discover practical strategies to reframe self-sabotaging thoughts, embrace gratitude, and focus on refining often overlooked areas of life. Reflect on your recent successes and how to maintain them with confidence.

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Ease OUT OF IT! Taming our Inner Critic
Carlos Patino Carlos Patino

Ease OUT OF IT! Taming our Inner Critic

Everyone has an inner critic, a negative voice that can hinder our progress. In this post, explore the concept of the inner critic and discover the E.A.S.E. process—Expose, Accept, Soothe, Empower—to transform this voice into a supportive ally. Start your journey towards a more empowered and confident self today.

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